Friday, June 3, 2011

CDS meeting and pre-conference announcements

The 2011 Cognitive Development Society meeting will take place on October 14-15, 2011 at the Sheraton Society Hill in Philadelphia. Details about the meeting, including registration, hotel, and program information are available at:

The deadline for poster submissions is June 15. Note, however, that we have reached the maximum number of regular poster submissions (180), and will shortly reach the maximum number of alternate poster submissions. The deadline for symposia/workshop submissions is June 1. Questions about the meeting should be directed to Kristi Schonwald at

Two pre-conference events have been selected for the meeting; their announcements are attached below. Both will take place on Thursday, October 13 (the day before the meeting begins) at the conference hotel. Space is limited, and pre-registration is required. Note that this is a separate registration process from the one you'll need to use to register for the CDS meeting itself. (To register for the CDS meeting, use the link above.) Also, if you do plan to attend a pre-conference event, please register for and plan to attend just one--we'd like as many people to be able to participate as possible. For questions about these pre-conference events, contact the organizers directly (contact info is on the attached announcements).

* "Creating Development: Integrating Processes over Multiple Timescales" - organized by the Delta Center and the Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development

* "Social Cognitive Development" - organized by the Social Cognitive Development Lab at the University of British Columbia

Research Assistant Position at UC Davis

Research Assistant Position at UC Davis

Memory and Development Laboratory
Center for Mind and Brain

University of California, Davis

The Memory and Development Laboratory, headed by Dr. Simona Ghetti, at the University of California, Davis ( is hiring a full-time research assistant starting August/September 2011. The position is for two years, with the possibility of an extension.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work on an NIMH-funded longitudinal study investigating the brain changes that support the typical development of episodic memory during childhood and adolescence. This exciting new study is about to start, and will be directed by Professors Simona Ghetti at UC Davis and Silvia Bunge at UC Berkeley.

The successful candidate will be responsible for recruiting and maintaining contact with children and their families, supervising undergraduate research assistants, collecting behavioral and neuroimaging data, assisting in data analyses, handling human subject consent forms and annual approval, and maintaining the study and lab webpage.

Desired qualifications include: A bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, or a related field, strong research experience and a track record of working with children and their families, excellent organizational skills, and strong interpersonal skills. Experience with programs such as MATLAB, SPM, and SPSS is appreciated, but not necessary.

This is a position for a highly motivated individual who is excited about conducting research. The skills learned through this experience will be useful for those who intend to go to graduate school. To apply, please send a letter of interest, a resume and a list of 2 or 3 references (and their contact information) to Clint Perry (current lab manager; Review of the applications will begin on June 6th and will continue until the position is filled. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Full-Time Research Assistant - Goldin-Meadow laboratory at the University of Chicago

The Language Development Project at The University of Chicago seeks a full-time research assistant to join our team starting this summer. We are looking for a highly motivated person with an interest in gesture to assist in the coding and analysis of gesture and speech in young children and their parents. The project is part of a longitudinal study of language development in children from the Chicago area. The position will involve video coding of gesture during parent-child interactions as well as participation in the analysis of data and communication of results.

We are looking for a candidate with a strong interest in language development who will take advantage of the opportunity to participate in all stages of the research process. In addition to coding gesture, the research assistant will work closely with a postdoctoral scholar on the project to identify, address, and analyze targeted questions about the role of parent and child gesture at different stages of language acquisition. Prior research experience with gesture, movement, or facial expression is desirable but not required.

This position is especially appropriate for candidates who are interested in pursuing graduate studies in developmental psychology. We seek candidates who are able to commit to spending at least 12 months in this position.

For more information about our lab, see http:/

Inquiries can be directed to Erica Cartmill (